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How Fixed Indexed Annuities Are Guaranteed

Today the life annuity insurance industry provides more than a trillion dollars of death protection to American consumers.

The financial reliability of the life annuity insurance industry, even in times of financial panic, was demonstrated convincingly during the Great Depression of 1929-38 when some 9,000 banks suspended operations while 99% of all life insurance in force continued unaffected.  Reinsurance, acquisitions, and mergers protected virtually all policyowners in the affected companies against personal loss.

Unlike most industries where size is a major measure of financial stability, life annuity insurance’s unique series of safeguards can make even the smallest company a tower of strength.  In 1949 Mr. Leroy A. Lincoln, then president of the world’s biggest life insurance company, Metropolitan Life of New York, stated: “You’re as safe, as well protected and the cost is just as cheap if you buy from a small insurance company as from the largest.”